Saturday, January 30, 2010

Really People! Really!?!

Let me first apologize for not updating this in FOREVER. Things have been extremely hectic lately and it has fallen off my list of to dos. Let me give you the quick and dirty recap of what has been happening with us the last few months. Matt and I took the plunge and purchased a house a couple months ago. We originally had our heart set on a short sale but after waiting many months moved on. We ended up finding a house very similar to the first but with many more upgrades and the best part it wasn't a short sale. Also Matt has begun working on his Bachelor's Degree at the University of Utah and is in his second semester there. As for me I have just been really busy with work and trying to figure out what Masters program I want to go into.

Now that you are caught up, let me explain my extreme irritation from yesterday in more detail. I came home yesterday and checked the mail to find a letter from the Health Department. I opened it not knowing it was going to be an insult to something I hold very dear. Let me give you some back history, for those who don't know Matt has had his '98 Hyundai for as long as I have known him. Our other cars have broken down, gotten in wrecks but the Hyundai still hangs in there no matter what comes his way. He might not be the sleekest car out there but he has character and that's why we love him. Anyway, about a week ago I was running errands in Draper and he started acting up and blowing white smoke. I decided I should cut my errands short and head home. Well I guess I must have offended someone in their big fancy car because yesterday I received a letter from the Health Department stating someone made a complaint about the Hyundai. The letter went on to say that it was emitting too much smoke and was a contributing factor of the air pollution. Seriously, people this is what you do in your spare time! Granted, I haven't had much spare time recently but thinking back when I did, I would NEVER call the Health Department to complain about a car's emissions. Isn't that the reason we have emission laws and you have to get your car's emission's tested to be able to register your car. The Hyundai just passed an emission inspection 3 months ago!! So maybe the emission's laws should be stricter if it is ruining every one's air. Now I have to PROVE to the Health Department that my car isn't a risk. I don't know if that means getting yet another inspection or if I have to get it fixed. Either way that is money that I shouldn't have to pay on a car that has already proven to be fit to drive.

Anyway, I will try to keep you posted on this and other happenings in our lives on a more consistent basis. I hope you are all doing well!!