Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big News

Since Matt and I have lived in our new house we have gotten a lot of comments on how we need to expand our family. We told everyone that we needed to get settled in first before thinking about adding another family member. Well with me getting a different job, I am not working as many hours and have a much calmer schedule these days. So a few weeks back we really sat down and had a serious discussion on if we were ready for a new challenge. We decided that now is the perfect time to make our family bigger!
We got another dog!! :) LOL...sorry I couldn't resist.
Here are some pictures of our new addition. A couple Saturdays ago we dropped Roxie off to get groomed and they were having an adoption. We decided to go check out and the dogs and see if any would be a good fit for us. We definetely weren't expecting to find one but we did. She is this sweet, 8 month old, Border Collie that was a ball full of energy. She LOVES people and wants to love everyone. Well everyone expect poor Roxie, the two of them are still trying to get used to the idea of having the other around. They are making progress though, so here's hoping they eventually like eachother.