Saturday, November 17, 2007


Well I was tagged by Krystal, so I will give this my best shot. The rules are: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves and then chooses 6 more people to tag, you add a comment to them telling them they are tagged and then ask them to read yours for details.

1. I know it's childish but I hate the dark, especially since Matt has been gone. I always leave either the hall light or the bathroom light on when I go to bed. Some people like to watch movies in the dark at their house, not me I need to have a light on somewhere.

2. I hate, I mean HATE scary movies, I used to be able to handle at least a couple of them every once in awhile. Not anymore, I avoid them at all costs because I will be up for days and have nightmares for months if I watch only thirty minutes.

3. I love to stay busy, maybe it comes from working and going to school for my adult life until recently. Since, I have graduated, I honestly miss school, as weird as that sounds. I don't know if it's the constant knowledge or just being busy.

4. I love to laugh, which is one of the many reasons I married Matt. He can always make me laugh, even on my worst days. We can talk about anything, no matter how silly or serious and he always has an interesting twist. I would hate to live without laughter.

5. I am a big kid at heart and I enjoy being around people that aren't overly serious about life. I love being silly and I enjoy being around people that don't care what others think too. I still love to carve pumpkins and dye easter eggs as much as I did when I was eight.

6. My dog is spoiled rotten, everytime I leave her alone I make sure the radio is on and two lights are on for her. I turn the radio on so she won't get lonely and the lights are on because honestly, who likes to hang out in the dark.

I don't know six people to tag so I won't be tagging anyone but I figured I would at least do half the assignment, 50% is better than zero, right? :) Well I hope everyone is doing alright and have a safe and happy holiday season.

1 comment:

Krystal said...

Manda- I tagged you twice more! One is about your hubby and one is a Christmas tag! If you don't want to post it I totally understand, but I think they are kind of fun! Anywho, Merry Christmas! Love Krys